NT Adaptability
NT Drought resistance
NT Drug resistance
NT Fertility
NT Frost resistance
NT Genetic resistance
NT Germinability
NT Induced resistance
NT Lodging resistance
NT Microbial properties
NT Pathogenicity
NT Pesticide resistance
NT Photosensitivity
NT Pigmentation
NT Polarity
NT Precocity
NT Radiosensitivity
NT Regenerative ability
NT Resistance to chemicals
NT Resistance to injurious factors
NT Disease resistance
NT Pest resistance
NT Seed longevity
NT Self compatibility
NT Temperature resistance
NT Tolerance
NT Cold tolerance
NT Heat tolerance
NT Salt tolerance
NT Water tolerance
NT Totipotency
NT Wind resistance
NT Winter hardiness
RT Acquired characters
RT Adaptation
RT Agronomic characters
RT Allelopathy
RT Animal performance
RT Biological competition
RT Biological differences
RT Chemicophysical properties
RT Crop performance
RT Defence mechanisms
RT Genetic variation
RT Hardening
RT Longevity
RT Plant response
RT Selection criteria
RT Transgenic animals
RT Transgenic plants
RT Turgor
RT Viability

  Propriété biologique
  Propiedades biológicas