LAD number:LAD010320110295
ARN number:LA2011000328
Title (main, Eng):Lao FloraG A checklist of plants found in Lao PDR with scientific and vernacular names
Literary indicators:V (Non-conventional/ເອກະສານບໍ່ເຜີຍແຜ່)
Publication code(s):Not specific; MAF not specific
Author address code(s):Not specific; MAF not specific
Author(s):Lamphay Inthakoun; Delang, Claudio O.
Report type:Research Literature
Media type:Book
Primary subject category:Plant taxonomy and geography - ອະນຸກົມວິຖານ ແລະ ພູມີສາດພືດ
Availability:National of Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, International Rice Research Instttute Library Vientiane (Lao PDR)
Publication place:Morrisville
Publication date:2008
Pages (book, total):245
Publisher:Lulu Press
Language of text:EngLao
Descriptors:Plants; Species; ພືດ; ຊະນິດ;
Keywords:Plants;Species;Plants name;Lao PDR; ພືດ;ຊະນິດ;ລາຍຊື່ພືດ;ສປປ ລາວ;
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