LAD number:LAD010320110305
ARN number:LA2011000343
Title (main, Eng):Livestock groups: Lessons from Phonethong, Phonexay District, Luang Prabang Province
Literary indicators:R (Report/ບົດລາຍງານ)
Publication code(s):NAFRI not specific; NAFReC
Author address code(s):NAFRI not specific; NAFReC
Author(s):Thongsavanh Keonakhone; Vaya Chiathong; Badenoch, Nathan; Phonesanith Phonnachith; Nitkham Chanthavong
Report type:Country report, Technical report
Media type:Book
Primary subject category:Animal husbandry - ການຜະລິດທາງດ້ານສັດ
Availability:National of Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, International Rice Research Instttute Library Vientiane (Lao PDR)
Publication date:2009
Pages (book, total):11
Language of text:Eng
Descriptors:Livestock; ສັດລ້ຽງ;
Keywords:Livestock groups;Livestock;Phongthong District;Phonxay District;Luangprabang province; ກຸ່ມລ້ຽງສັດ;ສັດລ້ຽງ;ການລ້ຽງສັດ;ເມືອງໂພນໄຊ;ເມືອງໂພນທອງ,ແຂວງຫຼວງພະບາງ;
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